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There are two ways to become a Lifetime Member of the MSBA,

the first way is to serve as club President for one or more terms and the

other is to be bestowed the honor by the club President based on your

contributions to the MSBA and/or to the fishing community as a whole.


Charlie Foote
1981, 1986, 1987

Patrick Paquette
2001, 2002, 2003

Past Presidents

Rick Ramos
1983, 1984

Bob Baranek
2004, 2005, 2006

Bill Prodouz
2008, 2009

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Jim Dow
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013


Chuck Casella

Chris Lincoln

Mike Jones
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,

2021, 2022, 2023

Ray West
2018, 2019, 2020


Honorary Members


Al Gagliarducci

For over 30-years, one of our biggest meetings of the year has been March and the reason is simple: Al Gag is the speaker!  When Al opens his annual talk with his now legendary statement to the MSBA membership, "It's good to be home", the fun begins! 

Al's mix of comedy and fishing stories makes for a great evening.  

For his never ending support of the MSBA, making him an Honorary Life Member was the easiest choice to make.

To add to his amazing resume, Al was recently inducted into the

International Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame

Captain Roger Brousseau

For many years, Roger has been a central figure in the Boston/South Shore recreational fishing community. He has hosted the Boston Harbor Fisherman's Dinner for many years and has always made MSBA a part of that traditional event. For years, Roger has donated trips to the MSBA Junior Members program, the "Striper Swipers" on his charter boat and donated meeting locations, resources and most importantly his time to this very important program. Roger never misses an opportunity to advance the MSBA message and after years of dedicated service to the organization was made an Honorary life member.

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Ed Lofgren
Ed has been a longtime leader in the Marine Trades Industry here in MA and has been a relentless advocate during the clean up of Boston Harbor. An accomplished fishermen himself, Ed has long been on the board of Save the Harbor and other important Boston Harbor projects. Ed has been a tireless advocate for keeping our local waters healthy and clean and is deserving of much praise for all his work. It is the least we could do to say thanks by making him an Honorary Life Member. 
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Paul Diodati
Former Director of the Massachusetts Division
of Marine Fisheries
Wendy Paquette
If you have attended  a monthly MSBA meeting between 1997 and 2017  Wendy was the woman at the front of the room.  Secretary, Treasurer, Merchandise, Expo committee and Expo Treasurer are just some of the positions Wendy has held over the years.   Always willing to help and there whenever you need her, she has given MSBA her all. For all she has done for the club over the years,  Honorary Life Member is a fitting thank you for all the hard work and dedication to the MSBA.
Roy Leyva
Roy is one of the best anglers around and is capable of catching trophy fish in any species with ease. He is a true ambassador to the sport of fishing and loves to share his experience, his passion and his knowledge of fishing with everyone. As a former mentor to kids at the Fishing Academy, he has shown countless youngsters how and when to target their favorite fish. Adding to his legacy, Roy is a three-time Massachusetts Angler of the Year. Adding him to our roster as a lifetime member was an honor for us

Historical Honorary Members

The Massachusetts Striped Bass Association has been very fortunate to have had many people that have excelled in other areas of life, whether on the sports fields, in the political arena or in the business world in the past that have graced our halls over the years as Honorary Members.

Below are some of the Honorary Members of the MSBA that are no longer with us...
Ted Williams
Boston Red Sox legend and avid fly fisherman
Bob Pond
legendary fishing lure maker
and founder of Stripers Unlimited
Hal Lyman
Long time publisher of the magazine Salt Water Sportsman
Elliot Richardson
62nd Lt Governor of Massachusetts (1967-1969)
25th Under Secretary of State under President Nixon (1970-1973)
11th Secretary of Defense under President Nixon (1973)
23rd Secretary of Commerce under President Ford (1976-1977)
Paul Volpe
61st Massachusetts Governor (1961-1963) and
63rd Massachusetts Governor (1965-1969)
Phil Coates
former Director of the MA Division of Marine Fisheries
Frank Sargent
64th Massachusetts Governor (1969-1975)

Charlie Cinto

Charlie is a co-holder of the MA State Record for his legendary catch of a 73-pound Striped Bass in 1967. For many years, Charlie had displayed the mount of his catch along with his famous mount of a "pug-nosed" striped bass at the MSBA Annual Expo. Even though many anglers would charge for this public attraction, Charlie had always insisted that he receive no compensation and donated his time and his mounts to help MSBA and our event. Charlie was a true ambassador for the MA fishing community and MSBA was very proud to make him an Honorary Life Member.

Captain Lou Gainor
Host of radio show Nautical Talk on WATD-FM

for 28-years and longtime MSBA supporter

Rick Newcomb

Just like his parents before him, Rick was the proprietor of Fore River B&T in Quincy, a true "old school" tackle shop owner. Rick was always been a member of MSBA and it would require a book length document to explain the many ways Rick has used his shop to advance the MSBA. Rick also had always had a special affinity toward the MSBA Juniors Program. To describe Fore River B&T as a retail establishment would be to discount the importance of this South Shore fishing community center.


Ed Nowack

If you are going to talk about the recreational fishing media in MA you cannot get through the first sentence without bringing up Ed's name. This long time reporter for The Fisherman Magazine had never pulled a punch when writing about the issues we all care about. Ed also never pulled a punch when it came to his support for MSBA. Ed was regularly seen amidst our members at monthly meetings and has truly been a pioneer for many of us that write in fishing publications today.  Even though it would’ve been easy for Ed to sit back and live a relaxed live of a retiree, Ed served on the New England Fisheries Management Council Recreational Fishing Advisory Panel and was one of the few on that board that stood up for the individual angler.  MSBA is proud to have Ed as an Honorary Life Member. 

There were no pictures available for these members,
(we're working on getting them)
Whitey Kreuger
MSBA member recognized for his tireless work with youth anglers
Allan Pederson
former Director of the Massachusetts Division
of Marine Fisheries
Fred Wilbor
former Director of the Massachusetts Division
of Marine Fisheries
*** if you have any pictures of any of the above members that you would
like to submit,
please email them me by
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