Massachusetts Striped Bass Association
The Massachusetts Recreational Anglers Voice Since 1950
*****Wednesday August 28th, 2024******
884th Membership Meeting
Jamie Golden
Albies, Bonito and Spanish mackerel
This month we are excited to have Jamie Golden speaking on the topic of Funny fish. The Bonito have already started rolling in and if you have never caught an Albie, bonito or Spanish mac, it really is not to be missed. Jamie can teach you how stack the deck in your favor to hook up on these speedy fish and get your drag screaming.
Jamie is a frequent contributor to On the Water and The Fisherman magazine and has a feature story in the August 2024 Fisherman on this very topic!!
We look forward to seeing you, come learn with us!​​​
MSBA is located at
The Sons of Italy
54 Whitman St
Weymouth MA 02189
* Renew your membership now for 2024 *
Don't forget to renew your fishing licenses
2024 MSBA Officers
Executive Board Board of Directors
Vice President:
Mike Jones
Wayne Fiske
Barry Rabinowitz
Jon O'Connor
Van Christie, Chairman
Jack Illingworth
Edward Tully
Van Christie
Open position
Larry Colson
Ben Hall
Charlie Murphy
Frank Mazzulli
Objectives of the Mass Striped Bass Association:
The Objectives of this Association are; To promote and encourage interest in salt water sport fishing: to provide opportunities
for those interested in salt water sport fishing to gather for entertainment and good fellowship; to uphold sound conservation practices
and laws and to see that these laws are carried out by its members; to further good sportsmanship and to disseminate
information concerning saltwater Sportfishing both to Association members and others.